marketing programFrustrated with the results you’re getting from your marketing?

You know that you need to be marketing but do you really know just how important it is? Judging from the staggering number of businesses that fail, many obviously don’t get it.


Even if you have the greatest product or service in the history of the world, your business will die without effective marketing.

It’s that simple.

You’ve worked hard building your business. Only another business owner can really understand all that you’ve sacrificed and risked to get to where you are. You believe in what you have to offer and you constantly strive to make it the best that it can be.

You also understand that a great product or service is only half the equation. A successful marketing strategy is essential for the growth — for the very survival of your business.

  • You need a good website that’s consistently updated with interesting and useful content, so that Google and the other search engines will rank you high enough to be found. Regular blog posts may be the number one most effective way to do this — and the good news is that they can also do so much more! If written correctly, these posts can be used on social media and as mini landing/sales pages for special promotions.
  • Social media is no longer an option — if your potential customers can’t find you on Facebook, they will certainly find your competitors.
  • And you can’t just sit back and wait for folks to come to you. You must do some sort of “push” marketing — email/newsletters, flyers, online ads, or radio, TV or print advertising.

Missing Step the Most Important

There are lots of options for reaching your prospects and finding the right combination for your business is important. Almost as important as the one step that so many businesses find the most difficult — putting that marketing plan into practice. The most brilliant strategy for the all-time best product or service is worthless if it’s never actually implemented.

Your marketing efforts must be targeted, reviewed, tracked and adjusted based on results. Unless this is a top priority, it’s close to a waste of time and money.

If, like many businesses, you find that there just isn’t enough time to get these important tasks done, we can help. Whether you need content for your website, blog posts, email campaign copy, social media posts, newsletters, white papers, special reports or other marketing media, the Copy Rules team is ready to step in. Let us do what we do best, so that you can get back to what no one does better than you — running your business.

Wait! There’s Even More!

Copy Rules is now offering a Marketing Accountability Program (MAP), based on the needs of your particular business. At the most basic level, we will keep you on track by monitoring and reporting on the consistency of your program — or we can actually do the designing, provide the content and graphics and implement the various pieces.

Instead of the responsibility for promoting your business being somewhere on someone’s list of things they try to get to when they have a moment, it moves to the top of our list. We make sure it gets done and in a way that puts you in front of your customers and potential customers.

Get Your Free Assessment Today!

Naturally, the cost varies, depending on whether you need simple monitoring or a little more help. But, the assessment of your current program is very reasonable — right now, it’s absolutely free! There’s no obligation in having us take a look at your marketing. The very least you will get are suggestions for improvement that you are free to use or not. And right now, while MAP is new, we will add it to any monthly contract at no additional cost! Just be sure and ask about it when you contact us.

This is where you usually see “What do you have to lose?” But, maybe a better thought would be to consider what you have to gain. If you truly understand that marketing is what makes the difference between the success and failure of your business and you are honest about how effective your program is — what would you have to gain?

Take the next step. Contact us, today.

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