The missing piece…

You’ve heard the saying that, if you give someone a fish, you feed them for a day, but if you teach them to fish, you feed them for a lifetime. I think we’d all agree this is a pretty powerful concept, right?

But there’s still a piece missing. Whether it’s learning how to better provide for our families, become healthier, escape from abusive situations, survive life-threatening illnesses, create abundance or anything else, it requires more than knowing the steps to take.

We must first believe that we are worthy — that we deserve to have a better life.

Empowering women to recognize their worth and unlocking their potential is what the “A Course in Courage Victory Tour” is bringing to St. Louis this month. The simple fact that many of the presenters have survived to bring their stories to this stage is amazing! Now they are on a mission to share what they’ve learned.

Prepare to be inspired! Not just by the magnitude of the obstacles that the presenters have overcome but by how they used those obstacles to get in touch with their own power.

Get ready to be transformed! You can find inspiring stories on TV, in books and all over the internet. But, you won’t be able to be in the energy created during this life-altering event without being changed.

Expect a miracle! The miracle of empowerment. There is no power greater than that of love and it all has to start with love of self.

There’s a shift coming. Some call it a new age or paradigm. But there’s a change in the air. Thousands are stepping up to claim their place as they recognize we are spiritual beings having a physical experience. The old ways are finally being released.

This tour is all about change! It’s time. Are you ready?

The “A Course in Courage Victory Tour” is coming to St. Louis on October 20–21. Tickets are now on sale here. Join us as we kick-off the beginning of this world-wide empowerment tour!