The Faces Behind the Pages That Inspire

Confession Time

Just between me and you……

You read the tabloid headlines when you’re in the check out line at the grocery store, don’t you? Of course you do. Everybody does. Ever wonder why?

It’s not that we really believe Elvis has been spotted at Wal-Mart or that a woman had triplets at 97. It’s because unimaginable things do happen to people every day. They happen to you. And to me. What fascinates us is how anyone survives!

When a mother of twins is kidnapped by the man who had just murdered her husband, then raped, locked in a trunk and held for days manages to escape, where does that strength come from? Could we do that? Could we go on to become an advocate for women overcoming their nightmares?

There are few words that can bring us to our knees the way “cancer” does. Imagine getting the diagnosis a mere 16 months after watching the gruesome death of your mother. Would suicide be your first thought? It was for Kathleen. But then her own inner voice convinced her to embark on a wondrous journey to healing — not just once, but twice.

What about finding yourself drowning in a world that is flooded by taboos? With more and more restrictions about what we can talk about and what must remain hidden. There are those, like Scott, who work to open the doors on what is deemed “forbidden” to discuss. To shine light on these corners of alleged darkness.

Who are these brave souls? Where can you go to connect and learn more about them?

The Faces Behind the Pages That Inspire

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Not long ago, the stories most of them have to tell would have been limited to a small sphere of listeners. Only the most famous would get the coverage to reach the rest of us. But that has all changed and we have the internet and, more importantly, Facebook to thank.

Isn’t that why you finally gave in and got on Facebook? Oh, sure, there are still a few naysayers out there preaching about the dangers of social media, but the truth is that you and I know that they just don’t get it! Facebook has opened up the world to us in a way that simply surfing the internet or sending email never could.

You may have started off only wanting to keep up with friends and family. Post photos of vacations and special events. Honestly, I didn’t expect much. I’d just gotten tired of hearing my kids tell me that I needed to “get with it”. Sound familiar?

As time passed, I found myself hungry to explore more and more. And then it happened. A friend of mine shared a post that seemed to be speaking directly to me. You know exactly what I mean, don’t you? It’s that feeling that pulls us back to Facebook — that feeling of connection that has nothing to do with time or place or physical presence. Many of us refer to it as “connecting at the heart”. And there is absolutely nothing like it.

The post my friend shared was a beautiful picture with a message embedded in it. I can’t tell you what it looked like or what it said. But I’ll always remember that I was struggling that day and it brought me a little burst of joy. A total stranger somewhere on the planet posted exactly what I needed and it found its way to me at the perfect time! Even today, just thinking about what a gift that was takes my breath away.

This kind of experience kept happening. One day I decided to click on an image that had especially resonated with me and see if I could learn something about whoever had posted it. What I discovered was an entire page of wonderful and inspirational messages! I had landed on a Fan Page and I was hooked!

Facebook Had Totally Changed for Me and I Was Loving It!

Frankly, once I found my way to Fan Pages, everything changed. Remember exploring the neighborhood on your bike? It was fun and familiar. But what happened the day you got your driver’s license? All of a sudden it felt like the whole world was yours! That’s what Fan Pages did for me.

I’m not talking about the Starbucks page or any of the others like that. You know the pages I mean — the ones that post the most amazingly inspiring messages and images day after day. Pages that are created with passion and with a deep desire to reach out and touch something universal in all of us.

Soon I began to wonder about the people behind these pages. Who was responsible for what had become a daily source of renewal and inspiration for me? It hadn’t taken long before I knew I wanted to have my own Fan Page. Much as I enjoyed setting it up and interacting with my fans, I quickly realized how much time and effort it takes! So, I became more and more curious.

Who are these people behind the scenes? Why do they give of their time so generously? What motivates them to create these amazing communities of loyal fans? Communities that have been growing for years as a result of their interaction, teaching and inspiration.

What Fuels Their Passion?

Literally millions of fan pages are launched but only a few capture the power of synergism and become something greater than the individual elements. There’s a magic that plays out between the passion of a page owner, or Admin in Facebook lingo, and the interaction of fans.

I wanted to meet the people behind the passion. And I knew that I wasn’t alone. You’ve had the same thoughts, haven’t you? You already feel like you know them from their posts, but, like me, I bet you’ve spent time wondering about what got them to this place. What life lessons influenced their journey? How did they get to where they are today?

Trusting that the universe would assist, I went exploring. What I found was more than I could have hoped for! Generous, loving souls from all walks of life — doctors, nurses, professional athletes, teachers, coaches and experts in more fields than can be listed here. Some of them so well-known and successful that it would cost you thousands of dollars for access to them. Yet, with the click of a mouse, there they are — offering insight and inspiration for those who need it.

I felt so fortunate that they let me in and allowed me to get to know them! And I knew that this was something that I was meant to share.

Are You Ready for Your Back Stage Pass to Meet Some Very Special People?

The Faces Behind the Pages That Inspire is your ticket inside! Now, you can join me in getting to know these dedicated individuals who give so much of their time and talents. Learn why they do this time-consuming “job” for free.

You will laugh. You will cry. Your hearts will break when you read about what they have endured and your spirits will soar as you walk with them on their journey of healing.

Share the experience that unites them all — the awareness that we are one. That’s why they reach out to you on their Fan Pages and now through this book.

The Faces Behind the Pages That Inspire was written about these extraordinary individuals — but it was written for you.


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