Sleep Easily

How Much of Your Life Did You Lose Out on Today Because You Didn’t Sleep Well Last Night?

Revolutionary Method of Effortlessly Falling Asleep or Falling Back to Sleep the Very First Night – Without Drugs!


Do you lie awake at night doing mental calculations — “if I go to sleep right now I can get 8 hours of sleep”. And then, “if I can get to sleep pretty soon I can still get 6 hours”. At what point does that panicky feeling set in for you? At 5 hours left to sleep? Or 4?

Or, do you wake up after only a few hours and struggle to fall back to sleep? You’re wide-awake in the wee hours of the morning but dragging before lunch time! By the time you go bed that night, you’re exhausted. You’d think it would be easy to sleep through the night but, once again, you’re awake hours ahead of the alarm.

We’ve all been there. Knowing something special or out of the ordinary is happening the next day can make it hard for anyone to easily fall asleep or back to sleep. And, once in awhile, not getting a full night’s sleep is uncomfortable but not necessarily something to be concerned about.

But…that’s not you, is it? You have to force yourself out of bed most mornings, feeling tired, groggy and irritable because you didn’t get enough sleep again. And you may try and kid yourself that a hot shower and a lot of caffeine will compensate, but you know that it really doesn’t work that way.

You Start Your Day Exhausted and It Goes

Downhill From There

No one questions that we need food, water and air to survive. But there seems to be a popular myth that we can get used to operating on little sleep. This is absolutely untrue.

At the very least, not sleeping well interferes with your ability to focus, to learn new things and to respond appropriately in social situations. This can play out by sabotaging your work performance or slowing your reaction time when behind the wheel. When it comes to relationships, the cost of not being able to be totally present and engaged can be devastating.

You might try and pretend that you’re still on top of those situations even though you aren’t getting enough sleep. It’s harder to argue with the scientific research, widely published in leading medical journals, linking inadequate sleep to:

  • heart disease
  • kidney disease
  • high blood pressure
  • diabetes
  • stroke
  • obesity
  • depression

Pretty grim picture, isn’t it? What if it doesn’t have to be this way?


Simple, Highly Effective, DRUG-FREE and Amazingly Affordable Solution!

Sleep Easily® is a revolutionary method that will quickly and easily help you fall asleep and stay asleep, night after night.

No drugs. No pills or teas concocted from the bark of trees that grow only on the north side of a certain mountain in Uzbekistan. Nothing you need to eat or drink. No hypnotic suggestions, visualization or mind calming exercises. You can sleep better the very first night after simply reading the brief introductory booklet and listening to the sleep recording. Before long you won’t even need the recording!

Why struggle through one more long night?

Rountree“Sleep Easily is a powerful and effective tool for anyone who suffers from insomnia. I wholeheartedly recommend this remarkable program to my patients, my colleagues and my friends.” Robert Rountree, M.D., Coauthor of Smart Medicine for a Healthier Child and A Natural Guide to Pregnancy and Postpartum Health

“Dr. Shane’s work is the best psychological intervention for insomnia that I have found. I am recommending it to my patients and to participants in the Whole Heart Program for reversing heart disease.” John O’Hearne, M.D., Integrative/Holistic Medicine Specialist Medical Director, Whole Heart Program, Boulder, CO

Steinberg“I love your program. From the first night I was sleeping more easily. The techniques are so elegantly simple.”Charles Steinberg, M.D., Internationally known for treating people living with HIV/AIDS and educating health care workers.

Are You a Ghost in Your Own Life?

Do you spend far too much of your time feeling disconnected from the people and events around you? Sort of like we imagine a ghost might feel if they remained for awhile and watched but weren’t able to interact with anyone.

Are you constantly frustrated watching others get ahead at work, knowing that you should be doing so much better than you are and simply not having the energy? How hard is it to see the look of hurt and confusion on the faces of your loved ones as you’re able to give them less and less attention? Not that you don’t want to — you just don’t have it to give.

That’s what not getting enough sleep does to us. Besides not having any energy, being anxious and cranky, it’s extremely hard to be motivated to do much of anything. That includes often not even wanting to be around the people you care about. So, much of the time, you’re there but not really there. I’m sure I don’t have to tell you what kind of a toll this takes on your relationships.

Why Not Let Sleep Easily® Give You Your Life Back?

In less time than you can imagine, the Sleep Easily® method will help you to:

  • Fall asleep more quickly and easily
  • Sleep more deeply and longer
  • Fall back to sleep, if you awaken in the night
  • Sleep better the very first night you try it
  • Effortlessly quiet your mind and reduce stress and anxiety
  • Sleep well even in especially stressful times
  • Reduce and eliminate the need for sleep medication — gently, gradually and without withdrawal symptoms
  • Master the secret of Power Naps

It’s Crucial to Get Enough Sleep!

Turn on the TV, pick up a newspaper or magazine or log on to your computer and chances are you’re going to see another expert talking about the benefits of exercise or eating the right foods. It is just as crucial to get enough sleep but you seldom hear about it in the media — except, of course, for advertising by the drug companies.

Soon, more people will understand that sleep is just as important as diet and exercise. The quality of your sleep affects every aspect of your life. Improving it can help you:

  • Reduce stress, anxiety, irritability, and depression.
  • Think more clearly and react more quickly
  • Have more energy
  • Feel better physically and look better
  • Reduce your risk for conditions such as heart disease, stroke, and diabetes
  • Be more productive, as well as have less absenteeism and accidents
  • Be fully engaged and able to enjoy personal and work relationships more


Sleeping Well Is The Single Change That Can Have The Most Positive Effect In Nearly Every Area Of Your Life

Sound almost too good to be true? Are you thinking that it may work for some but not for your situation? Sleep Easily® has been proven to work in a wide range of individuals and for a vast array of conditions.

Are you experiencing:

  • Stress in your personal life, work situation, finances, time pressures or because of the economy or general chaos in the world
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Physical discomfort or pain
  • Medical conditions
  • Menopause
  • PTSD (Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder)

Are you required to work unusual hours? Do you often travel across time zones or find yourself sleeping in unfamiliar environments? Do you suffer from restless leg syndrome?

Have you started having more trouble falling asleep or sleeping through the night as you’ve gotten older?

Has struggling to go to sleep or not being able to go back to sleep gone on for so long that you can’t even remember what it feels like to get a good night’s sleep?

Sleep Easily® has been designed to be effective in all of these cases. Even if you have sleep apnea, our method can help you rest better and be more comfortable with your CPAP mask. Because it will be easier to use, you will get more benefit from it.


Let Sleep Easily® give you a simple way to fall asleep easily and naturally, night after night.

Don’t you owe it to yourself and those who love and depend on you?

Hibbard“Dr. Richard Shane’s sleep program is state of the art and an extraordinary gift to a society that does not sleep well.”Christine Hibbard, Ph.D., Coauthor, The Family Patient Physician Guide


“I struggled for years with insomnia. Your method has helped greatly in changing my neural hormonal pathways, and Sleep Easily is one of my recommendations for profound health.” Bill Kelso, M.D.


Rosenthal“An astonishing program that virtually all adults need. Dr. Shane is the pre-eminent expert on sleep and sleep issues. Highly recommended.”Neil Rosenthal, Marriage and Family Therapist


What Is Sleep Easily® and How Was It Developed?


Richard_ShaneI’m Dr. Richard Shane and I’d like to tell you the story of how I developed the Sleep Easily® method.

I had been a psychotherapist since the late 1970s. Then, in the early 1990s, because of a life crisis, I developed severe insomnia. It took me hours to fall asleep, I would only be able to sleep for a few hours and then I’d be up for the rest of my night. I was terrified and my life was pretty much on the way to being ruined.

I Know How You Feel Because I’ve Experienced The Torture Of Insomnia

Fortunately, there came a moment of inspiration — what if what I was going through wasn’t just random hardship? Maybe navigating through my own insomnia was part of my life path. I realized I’d been given the opportunity to study the sleep process, in depth, and then be able to offer those discoveries to others.

It was obvious that trying to sleep just pushed sleep away. Instead, I developed the ability to become as still and quiet as I could, and I just lay there for hours until sleep eventually came. My goal was to be aware of what was happening within the different parts of my body as I got closer and closer to sleep — to find out how close to sleep I could get and still stay aware.

An associate told me about a pen with a light in the tip that helps you to write in the dark. I got one and kept that and a pad by my pillow. In the middle of the night, half asleep, I wrote my observations (years later, I switched to using a digital voice recorder). In the morning, I looked over my notes and it was deeply revealing to read and recall subtle experiences from the middle-of-the-night half-asleep inner world that few people ever remember.

Here’s What I Discovered

For almost a decade, I spent countless hours analyzing and clarifying my discoveries and creating a system that could be offered to others.

There were two profound discoveries. First, I noticed that when I got very close to sleep, my breathing changed in a certain way I later named The Sleep Breath. This was different from deep or abdominal breathing. It had to do with the sound of the breath. If you’ve ever been awake, next to someone who is sleeping, you’ve likely heard the sound of the Sleep Breath. It’s a resonant sound that comes from deep inside the body.

I spent hours, day after day, discovering and refining a way to create the Sleep Breath while awake. I experienced that just this way of breathing started gently easing me toward sleep.

The second major discovery was that right before sleep, there are subtle, but easy-to-feel body sensations. People talk about the feeling of falling asleep or back to sleep. I discovered the body sensations that create that feeling. Once those body sensations are experienced, the mind follows and becomes quiet. Sleep then comes quickly and effortlessly.

This Was Revolutionary!

Almost everyone first tries to quiet their mind and calm their emotions to try to get to sleep. NO! There’s an easy way to first get the body feeling like it’s falling asleep, and then the mind and emotions follow by themselves, without effort.

After experiencing my own personal observations, I researched everything I could find on the neurophysiology of sleep.

The Result Was The Sleep Easily® Method

A simple method based on the Sleep Breath and the body sensations of sleep.

I stopped my general psychotherapy practice and began to work just with people who had difficulty sleeping. For me, this was far more satisfying as I was able to see the profound effects that took place in their lives once they were able to get the sleep that they needed. And to know that this could be accomplished quickly and easily for them was especially gratifying.

Making this method as effective and efficient as possible became my mission. I created a client treatment program that is complete in three sessions.

As I worked with clients, I discovered that the body sensations of sleep are the same in everyone. I was showing them how to feel something that already existed within them — they had just forgotten how to find it. People reported this was a feeling of recognition, not like an artificial method. They said it felt like the natural way sleep actually happens.

I became the Behavioral Sleep Consultant for the Sleep Center of one of Denver’s largest hospitals and for New West Physicians, Colorado’s largest physician-owned primary care practice.

For 19 years, I’ve helped thousands of people who have trouble sleeping, referred by hundreds of physicians and healthcare practitioners. I’ve continued to refine the Sleep Easily® method from my own discoveries and from resolving my clients’ sleep difficulties.

Because the method is so simple, logical and easy for everyone to use, my goal has been to develop a recording so people everywhere could benefit. I felt like I had been shown the secrets of sleep and now it was my turn to bring this to the world. I started creating test versions of this recording, analyzing the feedback and refining the next version. Over more than a decade, I created about 10 versions.

However, I was still not satisfied. I was determined to create a recorded version of Sleep Easily® that would be proven highly effective when subjected to a study.

After years of research and development, the Sleep Easily® program was finally ready to be put under the scrutiny of an independent study.

81.6% Reported Improved Sleep!

The study was conducted by independent researchers with the Sleep Easily® program used by people in high-stress positions: Commercial airline pilots, police, fire personnel, veterans with post-traumatic stress disorder and the general public. 81.6% of the participants reported improved sleep, and the vast majority reported their sleep improved the first night or within the first few nights.Study report available upon request.

My innovative work in the field of sleep medicine is recognized internationally. Health insurers, corporations, physicians, clients and consumers consider the Sleep Easily® system to be a revolutionary breakthrough in treating people with sleep difficulties. My work has been featured on PBS television, in television news reports and in the print media. I am a member of the American Academy of Sleep Medicine and the American College of Lifestyle Medicine.

I’ve spent years of hard work developing this solution,

so you don’t have to do the hard work!

Thanks to the Sleep Easily® method there is no reason for you to struggle through another sleepless night!

Order Sleep Easily® Now and You’ll Receive:

  • Sleep Easily Introductory Booklet. This takes just minutes to read and you’re ready for better sleep your first night.
  • Sleep One – Mp3 download or CD
  • Sleep Two – Mp3 download or CD that guides you into even easier and deeper sleep
  • Sleep One and Sleep Two Summary Cards that make it easy to use the method without the recording.
  • Sleep Easily® Specialized Earplugs: These custom-shape to comfortably fit your ears and deepen the effectiveness of the method. If you are on call or are a parent, you only use one earplug you will still be able to hear what you need to hear—and using the earplug is optional.
  • Sleep Easily® Sleep Guide Book download, a wealth of additional useful information to help you sleep even better. ($16.95 value). To save time and make this convenient, you don’t have to read the SleepGuide completely. Just choose topics that interest you by looking through the subject headings (in bold), or the index.
  • Feeling Better During The Day. Mp3 download or CD. This gives you a simple way to reduce stress during the day, even while you’re in the midst of activity with your eyes open!


Sleep Easily Is So Unique and Effective, It’s Patent Pending

Nearly everyone who has experienced these recordings considers them to be the most effective, yet simplest to use, sleep recordings in the field of Sleep Medicine.

Bonus Offer! Order (insert date) and you will also receive a FREE mp3 download of “The Sound Of Rest”! I commissioned renowned keyboardist and composer, Mark Sloniker, to create music so subtle that you can fall asleep to it, yet have such depth, you will want to listen to it at full volume during the day. This may be the most exquisite musical composition for relaxation or sleep you have ever heard! Retail value $11.95.

Revolutionary Method Deserves an Unbeatable Guarantee

I am so certain you will sleep better with Sleep Easily, I guarantee it not just for 30 days or 60 days, but FOR YOUR ENTIRE LIFETIME! If, for any reason you are not satisfied, just return the materials sent to you and we will promptly refund your full product purchase price, no questions asked. Insert guarantee image

You have nothing to lose but your sleepless nights!

I am so grateful for being able to sleep well again and for having discovered the secrets of sleep. I have dedicated the last two decades of my life to making Sleep Easily® the finest product on the market and my ongoing commitment is to help people everywhere sleep easily.

I wish you deep and restful sleep.


Richard Shane, Ph.D.


P.S. Did you see the recent announcement by the Food and Drug Administration that it is requiring manufacturers of several widely-prescribed insomnia products to lower their current recommended doses? Studies have found that some active ingredients linger in the system, affecting cognitive skills, including the ability to drive safely.

A lot can be said about the dangers of using drugs to sleep — from lingering affects to dependency. Not to mention the millions of dollars spent every year on these temporary and risky aids.

Why even go there when you have the option of Sleep Easily®? Simple to use. Completely safe. And amazingly affordable.

Don’t Be Fooled Thinking Sleep Easily® is Like Products You’ve Tried in the Past!

The National Institute of Health expert panel concluded that that cognitive-behavioral treatment for insomnia has proven to be more effective and longer lasting than medication and other common remedies. Sleep Easily® is a highly effective, quick-acting form of cognitive-behavioral treatment for sleep difficulties.

Sleep Easily® is not simply a variation on the other sleep aid techniques and products on the market. It is a revolutionary method that will change how we help the millions of people suffering from the effects of acute (short term) and chronic (ongoing) insomnia.

  • Not just about good sleep habits. While those may be useful, they’re rarely enough.
  • No visualization because that often involves thinking which may actually interrupt the sleep process.
  • Quick. Most people sleep better their very first night.
  • No overall body relaxation techniques. These require work and often do not lead to sleep.
  • No deep or abdominal breathing, also too much work, which keeps you awake.
  • No hypnosis. There is nothing mysterious in this method. It will not only make sense to you but actually feel familiar — something you know but have temporarily forgotten.
  • No need to calm your mind or emotions.Sometimes that is literally impossible to do. Even in the midst of high stress times, Sleep Easily® allows you to easily and effortlessly move into a deep state of restful sleep.
  • If you awaken too early, the Sleep Easily® method gives you a way to fall back to sleep before you fully awaken.
  • Sleep in the midst of stress. You learn an easy way to feel sensations of comfort and safety deep in your body. This gives you a safe place to rest inside yourself, away from the stressors in your life.
  • If you have pain or discomfort, Sleep Easily® gives you a way to rest in a small yet satisfying feeling of comfort in your body — even in the midst of other discomfort. You’ll get the rest you need to help your body to heal.
  • Take control of your sleep! The Sleep Easily® method doesn’t involve letting go of control. If you like to be in control in your life, this method gives you a way to use that to help you sleep.
  • No sleep restriction. You may have seen other methods advise you to get up if you’re not asleep in 20 minutes. The rationale for this is that you will become anxious lying there awake. However, with Sleep Easily®, even if you’re not all the way asleep or back to sleep, you can use any of the Sleep Easily® elements to rest in a feeling of comfort and safety. This feels satisfying, so instead of getting out of bed, deepen that feeling and continue moving toward sleep.
  • Customized for you.There are only a few simple elements in this method, and they’re all optional — just use the ones that are the easiest and work the best for you.


Lifetime Guarantee revWith our 100% Money Back, LIFETIME GUARANTEE, you have absolutely nothing to lose — and everything to gain! Stop putting your health, your work and your relationships at risk. Wake up rested and refreshed, ready to not just meet the challenges of the day but to look forward to them.


Don’t miss out on our incredible Bonus Offer! Order (insert date) and you will also receive the FREE mp3 download of “The Sound Of Rest”! Renowned keyboardist and composer, Mark Sloniker, has created music so subtle that you can easily fall asleep to it, yet it has such depth that you will want to listen to it at full volume during the day. This may be the most exquisite musical composition for relaxation or sleep you have ever heard! “The Sound of Rest” has a retail value $11.95 but it’s yours, absolutely free, if you order today.

If now is not the time to get your life back, then when?

Richard_ShaneThere’s just one more thing I’d like to talk to you about — something that means a lot to me and I’m betting it will to you, too…


A Way to Not Only Support Our Troops but Actually Honor Their Service


I have personal request. I have worked with thousands of clients over the years whose lives were impacted by the lack of sleep but none more affected than our veterans with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder.

It’s heartbreaking enough that they’ve given up time with their families, experienced life-changing injuries and, all too often, made the ultimate sacrifice of their very lives. It’s unconscionable that so many who do manage to return home are left to combat an enemy for which they have been given no training — PTSD.

One of the ways that PTSD manifests is the inability to go to sleep and sleep through the night. This makes it even more difficult to deal with the stressors of the condition and it becomes a vicious cycle.

I believe that helping them is as much my duty as they believed theirs was to defend our country. Sleep is a primary factor in treating and healing PTSD and that just happens to be something I know a little bit about.

Will you help me help them?

On the Sleep Easily® order page you will find the option of ordering the program for one of our veterans struggling with PTSD. Too often, we read of a soldier, sailor or a marine finally completing their tour only to end up taking their own life at home. You can help prevent that.


Order Sleep Easily® For a Veteran — Let Them Know They’re Not Forgotten


Thank you,

signature Richard