Exciting news from my friend

I like to think of myself as a pretty positive person. You know, the “glass half-full” type? But with all that’s going on in the world, some days that’s not so easy. Which is why I am so excited to be able to tell you about my friend Lori Rubenstein’s new book!

Forgiveness: Heal Your Past and Find the Peace You Deserve shows us that, individually and globally, almost all of our challenges are tied to our perception of who we are. According to Lori…

“It is my belief that, in this new golden era of ours, the energies into which we are stepping will allow us all to remember who we are at a core level, spiritual beings having human experiences. When we remember this, our thoughts, values, and actions naturally follow. As we change our perceptions and rise above holding onto past grudges, hurt, anger and fear, so do the energies and perceptions of others around us naturally and miraculously also change.”

Using her own life experiences and training, as well as channeled messages from enlightened beings, Lori walks us through the nature of the obstacles holding us back and the steps to take to move beyond them.

With Forgiveness: Heal Your Past and Find the Peace You Deserve, Lori doesn’t just  half fill that glass, it’s to the brim and over the top! I love this book and I simply could not recommend it more.