Another Saturday night…


Jim Turner here with AWAI. Do you ever get a song running through your head that you just can’t turn off? Like that oldie that Sam Cook did back in the ‘60’s about it being “another Saturday night and I ain’t got nobody…”?

Man, once those start I really have a tough time turning them off! And who can’t relate to that one? Here he is… new in town…with a pocketful of money and no one to spend it on.

If I could meet ’em I could get ’em, but as yet I haven’t met ’em. That’s why I’m in the shape I’m in.

How frustrating to know you have a lot to offer but no way to meet people so that they can see that, too. Now that I think about it, that’s exactly how I used to feel when I was trying to find new clients. Maybe you can relate to my story…

I’d had some success writing financial and business-opp sales letters but I wanted to try a different market. Jumping into a new niche may not be quite as hard as being a brand new copywriter, but it presented exactly the same challenges when it came to finding clients.

  • Finding the right list of prospects to go after can be overwhelming and always costly.
  • Racking your brain for something new and different to get their attention so that they just might actually open and read your marketing materials.
  • Worrying that you’ll never get that break that gets you in that first door.

And making those cold calls….I swear I’ve always felt that if I never had to do another one I could die a happy man!

It’s kind of funny, isn’t it? When someone hires us to do those things (except for the cold calling!) we are thrilled to do them. But when it comes to doing them for ourselves we put them on the list somewhere down near “schedule root canal”.

That’s why I’m betting that you’re going to be as excited as I was. What I found did more than save me time, effort and money — it totally changed the way I get new clients!

  • How would you like to have more client requests than you can handle?
  • What if you never had to send out another sales letter or post card or email looking for clients?
  • What would it do to your stress level if clients actually came looking for you?

Well, that’s exactly what I found. Read about it right here.

Social Networking: The 21st Century Way to Find New Clients” separates fact from fiction and magic from myth.  All of my new clients now come through social media. Yours can, too! Spend your time on billable projects instead of prospecting. Stop worrying about where to find your next client….get them looking for you.

Let me tell you how to do this right here.

You will be amazed at what learning the secrets of how to successfully use what I call the “Golden Trio” of social media will do for you. Forget attending those awful networking functions with everyone circling the room like a bunch of hungry sharks. All of your networking can be done at home, in your PJ’s. And before you know it, instead of scrambling to find new clients you could be looking for other copywriters to hand off the projects you don’t have time to do.

Doesn’t this sound like exactly what you need?

If what you’re doing now isn’t working as well as you’d like, why wait any longer? Get started now, right here.

So, what kind of shape are you in? Is that endless chorus running through your head stuck on not being able to find new clients?

Right now is the “gold rush” era for social media marketing — those that get in now will find the richest veins. You can get your share of these clients or you can kick yourself later for hesitating.

What’s it going to be?

To your success,


P.S. One more thing I forgot to mention. AWAI wanted me to tell you that they believe this could be such a powerful boost to your business that they want to offer you a special discount to encourage you to just try it for 90 days. I’m not sure how long they will be able to give you this break, so don’t wait.

Take advantage of this special pricing here.