Are You Leaving Money on the Table?

What’s your biggest challenge as a marketer?  Finding leads, right?  What if we reminded you that you already have them, collecting dust, right under your nose?

You worked hard building your list.  You created give-aways, ran teleseminars, produced events.  You built your list one name at a time.  And if you’ve been lucky, you’ve converted maybe 4% to your front end.  After that, you’ve worked maybe 1% of those through your ascension pipeline.

But what about the other 96%?  You obviously said something that caught their attention.  They’ve all raised their hands.  And it cost you a lot to get them.

So what are you doing with them?

Napoleon Hill tells a story in Think and Grow Rich about a guy who found a vein of gold, borrowed money from his family and friends to mine the vein, and when he hit the end of the line, he walked away, thinking he’d exhausted the potential.  Then someone else came along and started mining right where he left off, but turned his efforts in a slightly different direction, and struck an even larger vein.  One man walked away from a fortune that was right there, within his grasp, if he’d just reached a tiny bit farther. The other became extremely wealthy.

The Surest Way to Fail is to Give Up Too Soon

Are you, too, walking away from unrealized potential that is right there, waiting for you to simply reach a bit farther?  Do you think you’ve exhausted your list and that you need to create a different one?  If so, you are most certainly leaving money on the table — and, quite possibly, a whole lot of money.

Sure, you could spend even more going after another group of 4% and you will need to do that for your business to keep growing. But, at the same time, for pennies on the marketing dollar, you could also turn your efforts toward the 96% you already have.

How?  That’s what “10 Ways to Turn Unconverted Leads into Customers” is all about. And it’s our gift to you. Just tell us where to send it and you will have instant access to the methods used by today’s most successful marketers.

In times like this it’s especially important to make every one of those marketing dollars count! “10 Ways to Turn Unconverted Leads into Customers” shows you how to take advantage of money you’ve already spent. And, it’s absolutely free, so what are you waiting for?

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