

Blogs are excellent tools to get and retain the attention of your customers and prospects. They have also become extremely important in search engine optimization. The Panda and Penguin updates that Google has rolled out over the past couple years has had a profound affect on the SEO process. No longer can you optimize behind the scenes and rely on keywords. Content — well written and useful — is now crucial to how your website ranks and your blog is perhaps the number one tool in your arsenal.

Emails, Autoresponders and e-Newsletters

This is the “push” element of your marketing. Your website pulls your customers and prospects but they must make the effort to actually go there. Your mailing list is often referred to as “gold” because once someone signs up for it they are giving you permission to initiate contact. To push information and offers to them whenever you want without their having to do anything. When done correctly, this can be the most powerful part of your marketing effort.

Direct Mail

There are those who predicted that direct mail marketing was dying as the world made its transition online. Not only did that not prove to be true but direct mail is now thriving because of all the online activity. At the same time that there are more and more unwanted messages clogging email in-boxes, there is less competition moving through traditional mail. Sales letters, post cards, sell sheets, catalogs, etc are now more successful than ever.

Website Content

Copywriting for your website requires a different structure from traditional direct mail. Your prospect has arrived there with a specific purpose and you have only a couple seconds to address it or “click” and he’s gone! Each page needs to be written with a specific call to action as the goal. This includes home pages, additional site content, sales pages and landing pages.

Landing Pages

Landing pages are the online version of your sales letter and require a very specific structure. There are internal landing pages that are a part of your website and there are those that are stand-alone. Each must answer a question — and only one. Each must immediately engage and hold the attention of your prospect. And each must have a specific call to action as its goal. That action might be to acquire contact information, respond to a request for additional information or to make the sale.

White Papers/Special Reports

White papers and case studies do more than give you an opportunity to present an in-depth portrait of what you have to offer. They serve as very influential lead generation tools. And, as you know, lead generation is not only vital but also the most difficult step of your sales process.

Content Creation – e-Books and Ghostwriting

Are you an information marketer? Then you know that you are constantly in need of new content based products. This is another area where you might be able to do the writing yourself but where it makes far more sense to out-source.

And More…

Whatever your copy needs, the Copy Rules team is here to help. We have a very talented group that we have worked with for years and we are confident we can provide the correct expertise for your project.