Is that potato purple?


Jim Turner with AWAI, just finishing up my lunch here and thinking it could’ve been a bit more on the healthy side. It’s not easy, though, is it? Trying to eat right.

Do you remember the first time you tentatively ventured into a store like Whole Foods? Just walking into the produce section is like stepping off the plane in a foreign country!

You watch the regulars pushing carts overflowing with brightly colored fruits and veggies. Everyone looks so slim and fit! Maybe a little smug…but you can forgive that since you want to look just like them. If you eat the same foods, stands to reason you can be, right?

Honestly, how hard can this be?

So you excitedly rush home and fill the fridge with your new purchases. You don’t recognize half of what you’ve bought and you don’t have a clue how to cook it. But you do the best you can.

Until one day you decide to have some friends over. Maybe you broil some fish. Make a nice salad and add a baked sweet potato. Simple enough. Everything’s going great until someone slices into their potato and…it’s purple!

What do you do with a purple sweet potato? Sprinkle cinnamon on it? Add a pat of butter? It’ll look like the morning after Mardi Gras!

Purple potatoes may make great dinner conversation, but how long before you’re dragging the trash can to the refrigerator and aborting this attempt to navigate through territory that is just too unfamiliar? Restocking with what you’re comfortable with or heading to your favorite drive-through?

At least you can find comfort in knowing you’re not alone. Lots of folks try to make this transition and fail. Problem is, they stay unhealthy. In many ways isn’t it just like making the leap into social media as a way to get new clients…

Everyone raves about Facebook, Twitter and all the rest being the way of the future. About how you’ll be left behind if you don’t jump in. That your business will become “unhealthy” and possibly die. But if you don’t know how to do it right, pretty soon you’re pushing it aside like that potato and going back to what you know.

What about you…

  • Have you decided you don’t have the know-how or the time to set up all of those accounts — or even know which ones you should use?
  • Are you convinced you definitely don’t have the time to do the endless updating that these sites seem to require?
  • Do you get it that you’re supposed to be relationship building but end up feeling more like a pushy, in-your-face used car salesman?

I went through all of that, too…until I discovered the social media secrets that turned my business into a six-figure profit machine!

Not only has what I learned totally changed the way I get new clients, but you’re not going to believe how easy it is — and how much fun.

Sure, I made some mistakes along the way. Embarrassed myself more than once. Each social media network is different and has it’s own etiquette. A newbie tends to stand out like….well, like a purple potato (I know, enough with the potato references! Last one, I promise!)

But you get to by-pass all the wrong turns and painful moments and shoot straight to the good stuff.

  • How would you like to know exactly which social media sites work best for obtaining new clients?
  • What if you could simply follow my step-by-step instructions and end up with three or four new clients in the next couple of months?
  • Wouldn’t it be great to have others out there marketing for you? My first referral from a social media connection put over $5,000 in my bank account.

I’ve discovered how to do all of that and more! Let me tell you about it, right here.

Social Networking: The 21st Century Way to Find New Clients” will revolutionize the way you market.  I used to spend hours searching for the right lists of prospects and then mailing letters and post cards. Sending emails and following up with (shudder!) cold calls. I was just like you and didn’t know how to do it any other way.

I’d heard so many people talk about how they’d tried social media and it just didn’t work. But they were wrong! I’ve landed 13 new clients in the past 12 months and not one was through regular marketing. Now that I know how fast and easy it is to market this way, I can’t imagine ever going back.

The economy may be struggling but my business is booming like never before!

It’s working for me and it can for you, too. Read about it right here.

There is so much noise out there about social media that it can be overwhelming. One undeniable truth, however, is that now is the time. This is what is being called the “gold rush” era and those who make the most of it will find the greatest success.

Clients are out there and they’re looking for you. Let “Social Networking: The 21st Century Way to Find New Clients” unlock the secrets helping them find you.

Doesn’t this sound like exactly what you’ve been looking for?

There’s a saying that goes something like “if you keep doing what you’re doing, you’ll keep getting what you’ve got”.

If what you’re getting isn’t what you want, why keep doing it? Get started with what does work. Right here!

Right now is the “gold rush” era for social media marketing — those that get in now will find the richest veins. You can get your share of these clients or you can kick yourself later for hesitating.

It’s your choice.

To your success,


P.S. One more thing I forgot to mention. AWAI wanted me to tell you that they believe this could be such a powerful boost to your business that they want to offer you a special discount to encourage you to just try it for 90 days. I’m not sure how long they will be able to give you this break, so don’t wait.


Take advantage of this special pricing here.