21 Day Fat Loss Challenge

Without These 3 Essential Components

Your Past Attempts at Losing Weight
and Improving Your Health Were Doomed to Fail

Did you make it?

Oh, I don’t mean did you survive the holidays. Somehow, we always do. Just like we manage to make it through increasingly longer election cycles and one fiscal cliff after another. And, now that I’m thinking about it, wasn’t the world supposed to end in December, according to the Mayan calendar? Looks like we breezed past that one, too.

No, I’m talking about you. You had some goals for 2012, didn’t you? Besides the ones for your family and your finances. Personal goals. Ones that maybe you shared with others and maybe you didn’t.

You were going to take back control of your health, weren’t you? Exercise more. Make better food choices. Lose weight. Feel better. Look better.

Did you do it?

If you’re still reading, then there’s a pretty good chance you didn’t. But, that’s okay. You’re certainly not alone. In fact, that you’re still reading is a very good sign. It means that you may not have reached your goals, but you haven’t given up. Many will give up and their lives will continue to be an endless cycle of fast food drive-through windows and hours planted in front of the TV. And maybe that wouldn’t be so bad if they could at least enjoy it. That’s not the way it works, though. Every night, they go to bed vowing to “be better tomorrow” and every day, they hate themselves a little more for failing.

But you still have hope. And, with a little bit of hope and the right action, 2013 may just turn out to be one of your best years ever!

Make 2013 the year that you finally reach your weight loss and fitness goals. Sign up for the next 21 Day Fat Loss Challenge here!

Yeah, Yeah, I’ve Heard All That Before!

Now, I’m not psychic but I bet I know what you’re thinking. Something along the line of “yeah, yeah, I’ve heard all that before.” You’re right. You have heard claim after claim about the latest and greatest program that will finally make you successful. And you’ve tried a lot of them. Some of them worked great for awhile but soon you were right back where you started. Some didn’t even do that. Why should you believe this one is different?

I highly recommend CoreMatters to everyone who wants to strengthen their body and core, especially for women over 40. I have worked with several trainers over the past 20 years and I believe Ann-Marie is the most knowledgeable trainer I have ever worked with. Her understanding of anatomy, physiology and the human body is many levels higher than other trainers. She individualizes each client’s program to fit their unique needs and issues. I feel stronger and better than I have in several years and I credit Ann-Marie with my success. She is a great motivator, teacher, core trainer and professional woman. She is tops in her field!!!!!!Maria T. (LPN)

I could tell you about the science behind the 21 Day Fat Loss Challenge. It’s fascinating and there’s nothing I like better than explaining it! Give me a call or drop by the studio and I’ll happily walk you through it. But it might be more helpful to simply talk about the common sense aspect.

Maybe I can best explain it by asking if you like jigsaw puzzles. With all of the latest kinds of entertainment like Xbox, Wii and other video games, hardly anyone spends an evening putting together an old-fashioned puzzle but they used to be very popular. There was always something deeply satisfying about starting with what looked like a hopeless jumble and ending up with a beautiful picture.

Everyone had their own system for how to approach the puzzle. Some would group together all the pieces of the same color. Others would try to find pieces with images they recognize from the picture on the box. I was a border person. Once I pulled out all the ones with straight edges and started putting them together I knew I was on track to lay the foundation and then I could build from there.

Whatever way you went about it, most people usually managed to finish their puzzle. That is, as long as they had all of the pieces. What everyone agreed on was that you couldn’t just grab a handful of pieces and go off and expect a successful result.

You can’t become the healthier you that you want to be without all of the pieces any more than you can put a jigsaw puzzle together without all of them.  It hasn’t worked for you in the past and it won’t work now.

Reaching Your Health and Fitness Goals Requires 3 Essential Components
Not 1 or 2 – All 3

So, what are the pieces to your puzzle?

  • An exercise program that progressively challenges you in a way that changes your ratio of body fat to lean mass.
  • A nutritional plan to support the changes your body is making.
  • The support and guidance necessary to modify each step to fit your personal needs and abilities.

One of the main reasons so many people fail on the path to losing weight or improving their overall health is because they neglect one or more of these steps. Each one is as important as the others and ignoring any one will, at best, get you some quick results that won’t last. There is, however, a very real chance that an exercise program done incorrectly or ignoring your nutritional needs can lead to injury or damage to your metabolism. In other words, you can end up in even worse shape than you are now!

Bringing all the pieces together to provide a balanced approach is the vision that launched CoreMatters nearly five years ago. Walk through our doors and you will find a relaxing space where we meet you at whatever level you happen to be, and we work with you as an individual — even in a group setting.

I attended Ann-Marie’s 21 day fat burning challenge and really enjoyed it. I loved the core workouts and she really understands the proper form needed and how important it is to workout correctly. Ann-Marie is very knowledgeable with our muscles, fat and eating healthy. She can help you have the body and energy you have always wanted.Denise R

Whether You Run Marathons or Watch “Law and Order” Marathons

In the 21 Day Fat Loss Challenge, the group exercises are designed to progressively challenge the body, but each exercise is then modified for the individuals in the group. So, whether you’ve spent the last few years running marathons or fighting over the remote for the TV, you will make real progress.

It is essential that you eat in a way that supports the new demands that you are making on your body. In fact, if you don’t, you simply won’t succeed. What will happen, instead, is that you end up burning muscle for fuel and that is definitely not what you want! Let’s say that again. You have to eat. Supportively. You won’t be asked to count calories — we’ve all done enough of that! The 21 Day Fat Loss Challenge provides you with simple, realistic eating guidelines. You will learn how to shop for and to easily prepare the foods that fuel your body instead of provide empty calories. Or you might choose the option of prepared meals created by a personal trainer. Doesn’t get much easier than that! If you’re busy, like me, they’re a wonderful way to get the nutrition I need — and they’re really tasty!

Sound like exactly what you’ve been looking for? Sign up for the next 21 Day Fat Loss Challenge right here.

The Most Important and Most Often Neglected Piece of the Puzzle

Okay, that’s an exercise program that progressively challenges your body to replace fat with lean muscle and stronger bones and a sensible, easy-to-follow plan to provide you with the nutrition you need. The final piece to our puzzle is support.

This may well be the most important and most often neglected part. Lots of people head to the gym and see how many reps they can do on the resistance machines or how long they can go on the treadmill. But there’s a world of difference between that and doing the correct types of movements that will actually benefit you. On your own, your chances of getting the results you want are slim, which is one of the reasons so many join a gym or health club and then quit. In fact, you also run the risk of injury. This is especially true the older we get.

It’s the same story with nutrition. Have you ever gone somewhere like Whole Foods, spent a gazillion dollars and walked out so excited about being on the right track to changing your eating habits? How long before all of that expensive food hit the trash can? It’s not enough to want to make better food choices. There’s a definite learning curve. We need to be educated about the kinds of foods to eat and those to avoid. We need to learn how and where to shop. And, we may even need some cooking tips! On our own, we usually give up and go back to what’s familiar.

But you won’t be on your own!

During the 21 Day Fat Loss Challenge, I will be with you every step of the way. I will do an initial assessment of where you are right now. The exercises will be adjusted to make sure that you get the most out of them. You will get the nutritional education you need so that your body can support the wonderful new changes you’re going to see and feel. Then, at the end, I will do another assessment and give you specific recommendations on how to maintain the progress you’ve made and how to go even farther along the path leading to the healthy, vibrant body you want — and that truly is within your reach.

The core strengthening I received in Yoga and Pilates has improved my quality of life. The years of lower back pain are gone as a result of the concentration of core muscle development. At CoreMatters I was able to achieve a better connection and awareness of my body. Instructor knowledge combined with a welcoming environment has helped me achieve my health goals for a better future.Robbin W.

The next 21 Day Fat Loss Challenge starts 2/11/13 and will fill up fast. Sign up right now to claim your spot! Why would you want to wait another day to start taking the steps that will literally change your life in ways that you’ve only dreamed about

21 Day Fat Loss Challenge

Register Here Now!

To your good health,




P.S. Are you wondering if this is really for you? I get that. I remember thinking I had lots of time to get in better shape…and then I had my second child at age 45! Within days of her birth, I started doing math. Lots of it. I figured out how old I’d be when she graduated from high school. Then college.

That’s what started me on this path. Within two years of her being born, I finished my first fitness certification and started teaching group classes — mostly because I couldn’t find an instructor in Roswell as good as the one I had in Florida!

I then moved into Personal Training, Pilates and Yoga and finally opened up my own studio. I have lots of certifications (AFAA certified Personal Trainer, Certified Chi Running / Chi Walking instructor, Advanced Functional Training Specialist, AFAA Certified Group Fitness Instructor, Certified Functional Movement Screener, Kids in Motion, SCW Reformer, Balletone, Practical Pilates, Practical Yoga) and I bring all of this knowledge, as well as experience, to every client and to every class.

Why does that matter?  It means everything I do for my clients is backed by the latest science.

It also means that at 58, I am not only fit — I am stronger and healthier than at any other time in my life.

Work with me and I know you can be, too. In fact, I guarantee it.

21 Day Fat Loss Challenge

Register Here Now!

Ann-Marie makes a tremendous effort to stay informed on changes in her field and is always finding ways to keep personal fitness fun and interesting. She was the person who first introduced me to the notion of ‘functional fitness‘ – the fitness we all need to stay comfortable, fit and uninjured living our own lives. I really enjoyed her classes and was never more flexible than I was after taking them. Her classes are great fun, and Ann-Marie herself is fun and engaging. It’s a wonderful combination.Diane P.