Ann-Marie Giglio

I have been writing letters since the 2nd grade.  Did you ever have that homework assignment?  It was a big deal back then, using envelopes and stamps, figuring out what to write on and with.  But I loved it.  In fact, that first homework assignment actually turned into a 10-year pen-pal relationship!  And I kept writing. I’ve been a junkie my whole life–one of those people who fingers paper and is always weighing the heft of pens.  Even though I do most of my writing on keyboards now, I still maintain an active pen and paper collection.  I have nibs and ink and parchment.  And a laptop.  So I’m in for the depth and breadth of the affair.  Eventually, I got a BA in English and Creative Writing, did some grad work, taught reluctant freshman for a few years, authored a book, Labor Day, wrote some PR, worked in editorial for cable tv and TV Guide, and published short stories, and feature articles in trade and popular magazines.  I have even committed poetry…

Finally, I discovered I could actually earn money writing letters, my first love.  After completing an AWAI Copywriting course and an AWAI Bootcamp several years ago, I set up shop with another writer I met at that Bootcamp, Karen Allen.

Together, we started a newsletter, a website, wrote a free report, and built a list. This taught us the nuts and bolts of marketing, which we used when I opened a private fitness studio. (Can you say, “Midlife Crisis”?  Mine consisted of a series of fitness certifications: personal trainer, group fitness instructor, Chi Running instructor, pilates instructor, functional movement specialist, small business owner….Guess it could’ve been worse.)

The studio still exists, and I keep warm leads coming in with a website, landing pages, newsletters, FaceBook, Twitter, Linked In, direct mailings, email drips, blog posts, and public speaking engagements. I’m working on my first large charity event.  Having marketed my own information for years, makes my specialty, writing for Info-Marketers, an easy fit.