9 Disastrous Mold Mistakes Almost Everyone Makes and How to Avoid Them – Email Series

Email Series #1

Email Subject Line: Did you receive the report you requested?

Hi [Name],

Marc Allen, here, with RAW Cleaning Services. Just wanted to follow-up with you and make sure you received the report you requested — “9 Disastrous Mold Mistakes Almost Everyone Makes and How to Avoid Them”.

If for some reason you didn’t get it, just click the link below and you’ll go right to the report.

“9 Disastrous Mold Mistakes Almost Everyone Makes and How to Avoid Them”

 I also wanted to take a moment to thank you for taking the first step in learning more about how to protect your property, your tenants and your owners from the serious consequences of water intrusion and mold. Reading and using the recommendations of this report is your first line of defense.  You may not be able to prevent water damage but knowing what to do will make all the difference!

If you have any questions, please feel free to give me a call at 866-561-5187. I’ll be more than happy to address any specific concerns you may have. Even better, why not let me come by and take a look at your property?  You may have issues that you’re aware of and could use some advice. Or, maybe you’re pretty confident that all is well but have this nagging voice in your head asking how you can be so sure.

Why wonder? Don’t gamble and end up being that property manager that says “but I just didn’t know it was there…”.  You’ll sleep better tonight if you call today!


 Let’s talk soon!


Marc Allen

RAW Cleaning Services


Email Series #2

Email Subject Line: If you’re busier than ever, this is for you!

Hi [Name],

It’s Marc with RAW Cleaning Services. I know you’re busy and I don’t want to take up any more of your time than I can help but I forgot to tell you something very important the other day.

I know you’re working hard to stay on top of your water intrusion issues but I also know that you’ve got probably dozens of fires to put out every day. That makes it really hard not to put most, if not all, of your attention on the crises that are right in front of your face. Small leaks, mold growing inside of walls and other water-related problems are usually out of sight until they explode into your awareness and become a huge deal.

That’s what I forgot to tell you. I see this all the time and it gives me zero satisfaction to say “if you’d called me sooner…”. So, to try and encourage busy managers like yourself to get out in front of potential water damage, if you call today, I’m offering you a $140 discount off of any project.

Call right now, while you’re thinking about it.


 We can schedule a time that is most convenient for you. There’s absolutely no obligation. Once we do decide on a course of action, you will know, in advance, exactly what steps will be taken and what the cost will be. My work is always 100% guaranteed.

Why wait? Water intrusion is not an “if”. It’s a “when”. It’s a bit like playing Russian roulette. You might get away with a few spins but, sooner or later, that bullet is going to be in the chamber.

I apologize for not mentioning the $140 discount before because I would really hate for you to lose out on being able to take advantage of it. I wish I could offer it forever but, unfortunately, that’s just not possible.

Don’t take any chances! Call today!  866-561-5187

I look forward to talking to you soon!


Marc Allen

RAW Cleaning Services


Email Series #3

Email Subject Line: Are you guilty of this, too?


It’s Marc Allen with RAW Cleaning Services and I’m just finishing up dealing with the chaos that always results with computer issues. Why do we let these things happen?

Did you ever know your computer was acting up and know you should be backing up files and calling in some sort of tech to fix the problem before a little glitch turned into a nightmare? And then waited too long? For your sake, I hope you’ve never done that because, trust me, it does not pay to gamble that you “have more time”!

I should probably remember this costly lesson the next time a client calls me in for a leak that could have been easily fixed if they hadn’t waited. I can’t tell you how often I have to give someone a bill that is many times greater than what it would have been if we’d been contacted earlier.

So many times a small water leak could have been repaired with a simple patch but, instead, the leak was allowed to spread. Not only does this mean that the affected area is greatly increased, it also pretty much guarantees that you end up with a full-blown mold situation. The “blue screen of death” that signals that your computer has crashed and may never boot up again is serious and costly but that pales in comparison to the expense and inconvenience that comes with mold spreading through your property!

Don’t make the same kind of mistake I did and wait until a small problem morphs into a major headache. If you have, or suspect you have, any sort of water intrusion issues, don’t wait! Call now and let me help you make the process as painless as possible.


Even if you aren’t aware of any current issues and you just have questions, please feel free to give me a call. I’ll be more than happy to address any specific concerns you may have.

Or, why not be proactive and let me come by and take a look at your property?  Why wonder? You’ll sleep better tonight if you call today!  866-561-5187

Let’s talk soon!


Marc Allen

RAW Cleaning Services


Email Series #4

Email Subject Line:  I didn’t have the heart to tell her…


Marc Allen with RAW Cleaning Services here, and I bet I’m not the only one sifting through mounds of information trying to get ready for tax time. I have to tell you, though, it sure is easier than it used to be! I’ve been in business long enough to remember what it was like before everything was on computer. Never want to go back to that!

One thing about this time of year that doesn’t change is the little trip down memory lane I take. As I review the various clients I worked with over the year there are always some that stand out. Most are good memories. When folks have water leak damage or mold growing in their buildings, they need it taken care of right now. I get to be the superhero that swoops in and saves the day! Well, maybe it’s not always that dramatic but I do help them minimize the damage and reduce their tenants’ inconvenience. As a property manager, no one has to tell you how valuable that is.

Sometimes, though, there isn’t as much of a happy ending as there might have been. Next to ignoring a situation that is only going to get worse, I think the worst thing people do is listen to bad advice. And, trust me, when it comes to mold and what you should do about it, everybody has an opinion. Most of them wrong.

In the report I sent you,  “9 Disastrous Mold Mistakes Almost Everyone Makes and How to Avoid Them”, you may remember the story about Kim, who got some really bad advice from her father. He meant well and only wanted to help, but the end result was that a small water line leak turned into a full-blown mold situation. When we were finally called in, we took care of it for her but she was pretty upset about what a nightmare the whole situation had been. In fact, I felt so bad for her that I never did tell her how much less the cost would have been if she’d called us right away. That well-intentioned advice cost her thousands of dollars!

You would think this wouldn’t happen that often with my commercial clients but it does. The pressure to control cost and handle more and more in-house leads to property managers turning to their engineering and maintenance staff. If the leak is small and caught early, sometimes this works out okay. The problem is that you won’t know it didn’t work until you end up in a far worse situation than it ever needed to be. Just like Kim.

Is it really worth it to risk getting the wrong guidance when it comes to dealing with mold? No one has to tell you the potential consequences. So, why not be proactive and have a plan in place so you know exactly what to do before trouble hits?

Go ahead and give me a call so that we can sit down together and work out the best course of action for your property. We can schedule a time that is most convenient for you. There’s absolutely no obligation. And, if you call right now, we’re still offering that $140 discount off of any project.

Call right now, while you’re thinking about it. You’ll sleep better tonight if you call today!


 I look forward to talking to you soon!


Marc Allen

RAW Cleaning Services


Email Series #5

Email Subject Line: thought you might find this useful…

Hi [Name],

Marc, here, with RAW Cleaning Services. We’ve been talking about what to do if you have a water leak — and what not to do. Hopefully, you will avoid the same mistakes so many make. But today I want to make sure that you know that I do things a little differently than a lot of companies. I look at us — me and you — as a team. My goal is the same as yours — for your property to be free from any water damage and as mold-free as possible.

My responsibility, as part of this team, is to quickly respond when you call and then address each and every issue with the most effective techniques available, while doing whatever I can to control your costs and minimize your tenants inconvenience. I take great pride in meeting my clients expectations. But, I always try to do a little bit more.

Quickly fixing a problem is great but preventing it is way better! I want to share some tips that will reduce the number of times you have to call me in a panic. There are lots of things that you can have your maintenance staff do that will go a long way in keeping mold out of your property. If you want to stop mold then you must control moisture. Here are 10 Mold Prevention Tips taken from the EPA website:

Mold Prevention Tips

  • Fix leaky plumbing and leaks in the building envelope as soon as possible.
  • Watch for condensation and wet spots. Fix source(s) of moisture problem(s) as soon as possible.
  • Prevent moisture due to condensation by increasing surface temperature or reducing the moisture level in air (humidity). To increase surface temperature, insulate or increase air circulation. To reduce the moisture level in air, repair leaks, increase ventilation (if outside air is cold and dry), or dehumidify (if outdoor air is warm and humid).
  • Keep heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) drip pans clean, flowing properly, and unobstructed.
  • Vent moisture-generating appliances, such as dryers, to the outside where possible.
  • Maintain low indoor humidity, below 60% relative humidity (RH), ideally 30-50%, if possible.
  • Perform regular building/HVAC inspections and maintenance as scheduled.
  • Clean and dry wet or damp spots within 48 hours.
  • Don’t let foundations stay wet. Provide drainage and slope the ground away from the foundation.

That’s 9 and I promised you 10, didn’t I? It shouldn’t be a surprise that the 10th is having a professional water damage and mold remediation company do regular inspections. Even if you diligently follow through on all of the EPA suggestions, there will be leaks. Your staff simply doesn’t have the training and experience to know what to look for and where to look.

Put RAW Cleaning Services on your team! Let me help you keep your property in the best shape possible. Call now and let me know when would be a good time to come by and get started.


Even if you aren’t aware of any current issues and you just have questions, give me a call. I’ll be more than happy to address any specific concerns you may have.

Why wait? You’ll sleep better tonight if you call today!  866-561-5187

 Let’s talk soon!


Marc Allen

RAW Cleaning Services


Email Series #6

Email Subject Line: there’s a storm coming!


It’s Marc Allen with RAW Cleaning Services and I was just sitting here thinking about something a friend on the east coast told me recently. Did you know that everyone who lives along the east coast and, I guess, the gulf coast, too, knows that, sooner or later, they will get hit with a hurricane? Not maybe get hit. They all accept the fact that’s it’s going to happen. And there are places where a major storm has done incredible damage and now folks there are waiting for it to happen again!

Can you imagine living like that? I know we have our problems here in southern California, but nothing like knowing that, sooner or later, a monster is going to arrive and wipe out everything we’ve worked so hard to build.

That got me to thinking about something I was telling you awhile back. You know, about water intrusion not being an “if”, but a “when”? About it being just like playing Russian roulette? Usually you get away with a spin or two but, sooner or later, that bullet is going to be in the chamber.

I honestly don’t understand taking that kind of risk. Sure, I might buy a lottery ticket or make a friendly wager ever so often but I certainly wouldn’t bet my life in a game of Russian roulette. And I don’t think you feel comfortable gambling that there are no hidden water leaks on your property. If you’ve been a property manager for any time at all, I don’t have to tell you that even if there are no leaks today there will be in the near future. It’s just the way it is.

You can’t win with Mother Nature — there’s no turning back a storm. You’ll never beat the odds with Russian roulette. But you can win when it comes to protecting your property from water intrusion damage and the mold that follows. The trick is to be proactive and get out ahead of it!

Whether you are aware of any current issues or you just have questions, please feel free to give me a call. Why gamble? You’ll sleep better tonight if you call today!


Let’s talk soon!


Marc Allen

RAW Cleaning Services


Email Series #7

Email Subject Line: Thank you!


Marc here with RAW Cleaning Services just wanting to say “thank you”. I know a lot of property managers and the really good ones love the job because it’s so challenging. I probably couldn’t even come close to listing all the things you have to stay on top of each and every day!

So, with that in mind, I want you to know that I sincerely appreciate the time you’ve taken to request and read “9 Disastrous Mold Mistakes Almost Everyone Makes and How to Avoid Them” as well as the follow-up emails I’ve sent. I hope that you’ve found the information to be useful and if there’s ever anything I can do to help you protect your property from water damage and mold, please don’t hesitate to give me a call.

I’ve mentioned the discount we’ve been offering. I’m not sure how long it will be available, but once it is no longer valid, as a personal thank you for your time and interest, I want to extend a special offer just for you. Hang on to this email. The next time you need help with water damage or mold, just pull up this email and it will be worth…

$100 Off Your Next Project

Water leaks and mold are simply a part of life. Even in the best managed properties. The good news is that help is only a phone call away!

RAW Cleaning Services


 To your success,


Marc Allen

RAW Cleaning Services