

Have you ever looked forward to something so much that you didn’t think you’d be able to wait it until it got here? That’s what it’s been like for me over these past months. Working on my part of The Faces Behind the Pages That Inspire. Watching with awe as the energy grew and melded and brought about the creation of something beyond our expectations. Waiting…and waiting…for the day that it would finally be finished and published!

And then….it’s here!

I’d seen bits and pieces and drafts and I always knew it was going to be something special. But…this is so much more than I imagined.

I am so excited for you to see it when it’s released, tomorrow! There will be a link right on the website to make it easy for you. Just go to If you want to learn a little more about it you can go there now and click on The Book.

Please don’t forget that tomorrow is not only the release date, it is also the day that I am hoping you will help us push up the sales numbers at Amazon. I think I told you that I’m going to be part of a tour to bring this message of empowerment and hope to women all over the world. That tour is getting a large portion of its funding from the sales of this book. If we can attract some attention at Amazon with high sales tomorrow, it will really raise the visibility of the book and the tour.

It’s been an honor for me to be a part of this project. The only thing that could possibly make it any better is knowing that I get to share it with all of you….tomorrow!!!